DM Plants
Integrated Solar Systems
Swevage Treatment Plant
Boilers – Diesel, Biomasss
Solar Water Heating System
RO Domestic & Commercial Machines
Pressure Booster Pumps, Hydropneumatic Pumps
Welcome to Hydromines Systems
Clean water is one of the most important needs of our bodies. It is a sad fact that something as essential to life as clean water can no longer be granted to us. Unsafe water is not just a third world problem. In fact, safe potable water is even harder to find specially in industrially developed countries.

Rapid industrialization, unplanned resource utilization and poor environment management have affected environmental resources resulting in deterioration of the quality of water. With the ever increasing TDS content in raw water and treated effluent, water treatment has as most economical way not only for the desalination of water containing salts, but also for eliminating heavy metals, pesticides etc.